Do you think God might be calling you?
Are you considering the Poor Clare vocation or would you like to know more about the enclosed contemplative life of a religious sister?
We invite you to join us for a:
Vocations Afternoon
Saturday 22 February 2025
2:00pm to 4:00pm
at the Poor Clare Monastery, College Road, Cork
Celebration of St. Clare's Feast Day 2024
Everybody is welcome to join the Poor Clare sisters for the celebration St Clare's feast day
Holy Hour
Thursday 8 August: 7:00pm
Friday 9 August: 7:00pm
Saturday 10 August: 7:00pm
Feast Day Mass
Friday 11 August: 10:00am
Poor Clares Colettine Monastery
College Road
T12 WK6V

Due to the Funeral Mass of our dear late Sr Bernadette Cotter, who died on Wednesday, there will be no 7.30 am Mass in the Monastery Chapel this Friday, Feb. 2nd. The Funeral Mass on Friday 2nd will be at 11 am.
The Ceremony of the Reception of her body will take place at 7 pm at the Monastery Chapel this evening, Feb. 1st., from the Bon Secours Hospital Chapel of Rest.

SJF.r. Willie Doyle was born on the 3rd March 1873. his cause for sainthood was launched in the diocese of Meath in 2022
He played a pivotal role in the founding of our Monastery in 1914, and was a true father to the community, but he is mainly known for his heroic service as chaplain to the Irish soldiers in World War 1. He died, 16 august 1917, when he was hit by a shell, while trying to save two Ulstermen soldiers, who were not even in his regiment. His intercession has already won many favours for those who turn to him in need. There is an excellent book on his life and writings; "To Raise The Fallen" by Patrick Kenny and also has some great videos.
Some of Fr. Willie's Sayings
"I think the best of all prayers is to quietly kneel and let Jesus pour himself into your soul".
"Look upon nothing as too small to offer to Jesus"
"To do something great and heroic may never come; but I can make my life heroic by faithfully and daily putting my best effort into each duty as it comes around".
"Keep smiling: it is the very best remedy for gloom".
"Let him act", must be your motto. Jesus will bring all things right in the end. The more I get to know God, the more inclined I feel to let him work out things in his own way and time, and to go on peacefully not troubling about anything.
Prayer for the Beatification and Canonisation of Fr. Willie doyle SJ
Eternal Father, your priest, Fr. William Doyle, offered his life as a sacrifice to your love. With zeal for the salvation of souls, he sought to raise the fallen and console the broken-hearted. Amid the horrors of war, he was a servant of your grace and an advocate for peace and reconciliation. Teach us to imitate his love for you and his heroic devotion to your service.
If it is your will that he should be venerated among the Saints of your Church, make known by miracles and favours the glory he enjoys in your presence. Trusting in your merciful goodness, graciously grant us, through his intercession, the grace of.......... Amen
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...
- Vocations Afternoon - Sat 22 Feb 2025
- St Clare's Feast Day 2024
- Rest in Peace Sr Bernadette
- 150th anniversary of Fr. Willie Doyle's birth 1873 - 3rd March - 2023
- Centenary Year of Blessed Columba Marmion OSB 1923 - 30th Jan. - 2023
- Sister Faustina's Story
- Prayer for the People of Ukraine
- Exam Prayers
- Come and See
- The Franciscan Life - Poor Clare Monastery College Road Cork
- New Video
- Vocations Afternoon - 22 Feb 2020
- Archbishop Charles Brown preaches at the Eucharistic Procession
- Sr Francis talks to Newstalk's Tom Dunne
Poor Clare Chapel
Monday to Friday
Mass at 7:30am
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays
Mass at 10:00am
Occasionally, if the priest is not available at 7:30am weekdays, Mass will be held at 10:00am